If you are a business owner looking to expand, or hoping your business moves to a new location along with you, there are a few things to consider.
It’s clear that no business is stationary, but business moves can be equally, if not more stressful than a personal move.
When a business moves, there are multiple factors that do not necessarily come into play in a standard personal move.
Finding a space for your new business location.
Depending if you are independently owned or a franchise, this process will be different. When a franchise business moves, District and General managers are typically responsible for fining a relocation space. If it your own business moves, shopping for a business location space is much like shopping for a home. Scour websites, want ads, and news papers for open spaces, and call ahead. Tour the spaces personally, and compare pricing.
Research and apply to new state property taxes or other incentives.
Each state has different property taxes, regulations, and laws, so be sure to do some research into each of these components before making your decision on a state relocation. Taxes and regulations will add to your expenses, so thoroughly researching these in advance will help you save some money, time, and stress.
Keeping customers informed of your business moves is essential to a smooth transition. When you are positive of your new location, inform customers in advance. Provide information on the new location, incentives to continue their services, and directions. Customers are most times thrilled to be informed of information like this. It makes them feel in the loop and part of the community your business has created. After all, what would your business be without your customers?
Whether your business moves across town or across country, proper research and planning is of course, an integral part of the process. Research locations, taxes and regulations, and finally, keep your customers in the loop. Starting your process with these basic steps will help ensure your process at least begins smoothly.