As a prospective home buyer, there are so many things you need to keep in mind. Before you even start your property search you should decide upon your top priorities regarding amenities, location, architecture style, and commute times to work, school, stores, and any other places you go regularly. Making these choices will help you narrow down which homes to view in person.
You will probably be touring so many homes for sale now that it may be hard to keep them straight. One helpful tip is to take a digital camera with you each time you look at a house to photograph any unusual features. That way, you will have an easier time keeping the homes straight. For each house, start and end the series of photos with a close up of the house number as a means of identifying the set.
Another thing you need to think about is getting a mortgage. Keep in mind that if you freelance or own your own business, you will probably be asked to document your earnings over the past two years for the lender. Luckily, if you are a first time buyer getting an FHA loan or VA home loans, your creditworthiness will be considered on an individual basis.
If you are a member of the armed forces, definitely look into VA home loans. VA home loans can be an amazing deal for those who have served in the military. There are usually great interest rates on VA home loans, and even if you have less than stellar credit, you should qualify for many VA home loans.
Since the collapse of the housing market in 2008, FHA home loans and VA home loans have become increasingly important to home buyers. The Cherry creek mortgage company has FHA loans and VA home loans that you can take advantage of. The housing market has rebounded, so it is definitely a good time to consider purchasing your first house with VA home loans or an FHA loan. At Cherry creek, FHA mortgages and VA home loans are insured by the Federal Housing Administration, so you know you are being well taken care of.