One of the biggest threats to the environment has to do with stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff can contaminate lakes and rivers and in fact, the EPA statistics show that 20% of impaired lakes have gotten that way because of stormwater runoff from urban areas and cities. Stormwater runoff at a facility needs to be controlled. If it isn’t controlled property in a way that meets EPA guidelines there can be EPA penalties to face. One of the guidelines set by the EPA is to use the catch basin insert in all drains.
The insert is included in the stormwater best management practices (EMPs). Homeowners can even use a catch basin insert on their properties. The catch basin insert is designed to remove trash, sediments and hydrocarbon. A new catch basin is easy to put in when needed and you can find an affordable catch basin insert to retrofit into existing drainage systems. Urban area water management facilities should evaluate the different inserts. The performance of a catch basin insert should also be evaluated. The most important job of the catch basin insert is to remove hydrocarbons and sediment.
The catch basin is typically inserted under the grate alongside curbs where the stormwater flows. These insert are also used in conjunction with a sewer overflow to capture floatables and to settle solids. The catch basin insert acts as a pretreatment to capture large sediment in stormwater runoffs and is a requirement by the EPA. When a catch basin filter is used with the insert it is even more effective at capturing oil, grease, debris and sediment.
The catch basin insert does have some limitations though. One of the limitations is that a catch basin insert needs to be constantly maintained or it can also become a source of pollutions when not kept cleaned out. The other limitation a catch basin insert has is that it cannot remove fine particle pollutants or pollutants that are water soluble.