Author: admin

  • How Is Aluminum Made? – 1938 News

    The most used metal in the world There is an immense demand for it around the world. It is produced from boxite. Boxite is found in many firms in tropical areas, and is exported for the creation of aluminum. Boxite contains aluminum atoms, which are connected to oxygen. The attachment needs to be broken for…

  • Should You Engage the Services of an Executive Search and Selection Recruiter?

    Those who work in executive search and selection are aware that for a sales team, the average turnover rate is about 40 percent each year. Holding on to longterm sales reps is thus a difficult prospect for many companies. About one third of all sales reps have only been in their jobs for no more…

  • Diamonds, Truly a Girls Best Friend

    Choosing a diamond for that special someone in your life is arguably one of the most important things you will ever pick out. With 80 percent of women who get engaged receiving a diamond ring, its kind of an expected procedure these days. The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek term adamas, it means…