The latest on 3D chalkart

Optical illusions have always been objects of fascination and amazement to almost everybody. There is really something about the eyes deceiving the mind. Now, mix that with our childhood drawing the pavement with chalk and you have 3D chalkart. 3D chalkart or 3D street art is the type of art where you can see parts of the street painted with these 3 dimensional pictures or images. Thee street arts surprise the passersby and capture their sense of wonder because the images are in three dimensional form. First showcased by artist Kurt Wenner in 1980 at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, it has since then evolved significantly and produced many followers and enthusiasts. 3D street art is also known as 3D chalkart because most artists use chalk pastel, a semipermanent material, when creating their art works.

Since the 80s 3D chalkart has gained popularity across the globe. Today, there are several festivals on 3D chalkart. In fact, many cities, localities and communities have started their own 3D chalkart festivals. One is the Hudson Valley Chalk Art Festival this coming July. And although it is their first chalk art festival artists from across the country are expected to show their works. Already many are anticipating what images they will create to delight the public. This, as well as other similar festivals, does not just showcase the arts. In many of them, there are live bands and street party. Along with these festivals that are dedicated to 3D street art, there are also many events that make use of this type of art as added attraction to the events. In fact, many companies make use of 3d chalkart in launching or promoting their products.

This type of art has indeed come a long way. It is now recognized as a legitimate art or type of painting. The best thing about this art is that it really attracts attention. Drawing the attention of the public is more than what many print ads can accomplish. That is not a problem when using 3D street art. If the artist comes up with a really unusual and yet spectacular subject or piece, then the art work can really impress and surprise the public. And this is why many companies hire the best 3D street art artists when it comes to their products. To date many products and services were successfully introduced in the market using this type of art.

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