If you are employed by a company, chances are iPhone security is a subject of familiarity. Many companies are tasked with managing 100’s of iPhones that employees in the main office and traveling between the office and other locations use. Since property of the business is in transport, a way to track inventory is necessary. The security of the data on the phones is also a concern. Mobile devices sometimes get lost or are stolen by thieves. If the data can be accessed, it might put the company at risk. Mobile device management is not limited to the business world, however, as millions of people have a mobile phone or other type of electronic gadget that they carry with them regularly. According to 2012 research, over 230 million people in America over the age of 13 regularly use mobile devices.
Many businesses also have a means to integrate their employees’ devices into their network. They are not only concerned with iphone management but with the management of many other kinds of devices. The iPhone security and safety of other devices you can expect as a result come from the sheer number of systems across networks. Using your own mobile electronics saves the company money on getting devices for all of its employees, and gives you freedom to use it at work or anywhere else. Many businesses, in fact, require employees to cover the costs for their devices. A recent report found that 50 percent of companies with a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model requires employees to cover all technology costs. For the most part, employees are receptive to the idea.
Some iPhone security costs cover the need for patch management software. The many apps and OS updates require patch management from time to time, and the BYOD model has been implemented by even more companies exploring the idea. In February 2012, an Enterasys survey found that 74 percent of companies allow for some level of BYOD usage. In addition to businesses, other institutions are concerned with iPhone security. Schools also have jumped on board. The BYOD model of classroom computing has grown in popularity as it is a benefit to students and entire school districts. Organized security measures, therefore, are available to businesses, schools, and other entities that can make use of personal electronics and wireless devices.