Did you know that the first modern air conditioner was invented in 1902 by Willis Carrier, for a publishing company? The machine was intended to keep the paper from expanding and contracting due to heat and humidity, rather than to keep people cooled off. Since then, air conditioning has become a mainstay in many American homes, especially Florida homes. What are some tips for keeping yourself cool this summer with air conditioning Jupiter?
First, remember that water is important. Keep yourself hydrated so that you do not lose fluids. You will perspire more in the summer and it is important to drink up. Muscles do not work as well when they are dehydrated. If you start feeling too warm, it can be helpful to take a cool shower, or lay a wet towel against your forehead or on your arms.
Second, many people who use air conditioning Boca Raton do not realize that trees and foliage perform a natural job keeping your house insulated. If you do not have any tall trees in your area, consider planting some.
Third, make sure your central air conditioning Jupiter is functioning correctly. Use thermometers to make sure that the house is at the temperature you are setting it at.
Fourth, if you have trouble and need to call for West Palm Beach air conditioning service, remember that responsible air conditioning West Palm Beach companies will offer you estimates so that you can compare and contrast their costs with those of other companies.
Fifth, make sure you are getting what you paid for from your air conditioning Jupiter company. When my mom got a new air conditioner installed, they gave her one that had been sitting in the showroom and was a bit dirty, rather than a new one. When she realized this she made the air conditioning Jupiter company come back and replace it, since in the contract she had paid for a new one. For more information, read this website.